The overall goal of the sector is to provide good quality services to the people of Masindi District to make them attain good standards of health in order to live a healthy and reproductive life. The sector objective is to reduce morbidity and mortality from the major causes of ill health and premature health and disparities therein”.Masindi District has a total of 51 registered and reporting Health Facilities
Some of them are Government health units while others are Private and Private not for Profit. The distribution is fair, but some of them lack the basic equipment to offer reasonable services. Many rural units require rehabilitation and equipping. Besides diseases, poor nutrition has contributed to worrying situation. Because of cross cutting nature of health issues, there is need for an integrated approach to health.
There are various NGOs both Local and International that are involved in AIDS prevention and control in the district. Such activities include blood screening and counselling, medical treatment, home care, pastoral education, health education, AIDS research and orphan support.