Information should be accessed with ease -CSOs
By Brian Atuhura
In abid to easily access information from Masindi District Local Government,the Civil Society Organisations(CSOs)have called for mechanisms to be instituted in the entity to allow the public get information which they seek since access to information is aright.
Phenhas Kyotasobora,the Executive Director Bunyoro Choice Uganda (BCU), yesterday presented a position paper on behalf of other CSOs in regard to access to information in Masindi district local government,held at Victory Bijja Hotel.He stated the major impedments to information access such as bureaucracy, limited scope of bodies required to disseminate information, ignorance of the law among others.
However,the following were the recommendations reached at to enhance information sharing in the district including,unshelving the district communication strategy, conducting regular radio talk shows, increasing financing of the communications sector among others.