LC3 Chairpersons Cautioned Against Misusing the New Motorcycles
By Brian Atuhura
The Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Masindi, Emmy Ngabirano has cautioned LC III chairpersons against misusing the new motorcycles that they have received since government is likely not to procure others soon.
He has advised the beneficiaries to maintain the motorcycles well in order to enable them extend service delivery near to their electorates.
The RDC further said, “If you take your motorcycles to the bars and police finds them packed at drinking spree past 11:00 pm, they will be taken away and do not come to my office when police have towed them”.
Ngabirano said this, as he presided over the handover of 14 brand new motorcycles to the Sub-County chairpersons in a function held today at the District Headquarters.
The government of Uganda through the Ministry of Local Government procured 18 motorcycles for Masindi District. Of these, 14 motorcycles have been allocated to LC3 Sub-county chairpersons while 4 motorcycles have been allocated to the LC 3 Division Chairpersons for Masindi Municipality.
Trustworthy sources claim each motorcycle costed about shillings 20 million and this totaled to about shillings 300 million for the 18 motorcycles.
Speaking during the same event, the Principal Assistant Chief Administrative Officer (PACAO), Richard Kiiza asked the beneficiaries to use the motorcycles to monitor government projects in their areas of jurisdiction.
On his part, the District Vice Chairperson Kassim Kabagonza, who represented the District Chairperson at the hand over function, appreciated Central Government for procuring motorcycles to assist Sub-county chairpersons in executing government work since many have been having a challenge of extending services to the people due to transport constraints.
He also advised the beneficiaries to install tracking devices for the safety of their motorcycles.
Sunday Eyotu, the LC3 chairperson for Nyantonzi Subcounty who gave a vote of thanks on behalf of his other LC3 chairpersons, pledged to use the motorcycles to perform government work and also, he promised to keep them in good running conditions.