Residents of Kitonozi Village Urged to Maintain Proper Hygiene
By Brian Atuhura
Following the recent House to House Sanitation and Hygeine Survey in Home Steads of Kitonozi Village, Residents of Kitonozi have been urged to improve on their hygiene and sanitation in order to have healthy lives.
While revealing the report on sanitation in Kitonozi, Romeo Abitegeka, the Health Assistant in charge of Bikonzi Sub county said that, "255 Households have constructed Latrines to keep Human Waste, Jerrycans at Latrines have been improvised, 240 Drying racks have been constructed, and Rubbish pits have also been dug. He says Latrine Coverage is now at 70%".
He revealed the findings today, during the climax of the sanitation week that commenced on 19th - 25th March held in Kitonozi Village in Bikonzi Sub county under the Theme "Good Sanitation and Hygeine for Strengthening COVID-19 Response".
Speaking at the same ceremony, the District Health Inspector (DHI) Martin Kayi Drabo who represented the Ag. District Health Officer (DHO) disclosed that sanitation and hygeine through washing hands prevents against many diseases and viruses including COVID-19.
He stressed that much effort should be concetrated on maintaining proper hygiene in order to prevent killer diseases which usually surface due to poor hygeine in homesateads.
The LC III Chairperson of Bwijanga Sub county Olivia Mugisa advised th residents of Kitonozi to keep proper hygiene of their homes, in order to benefir from Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) items and other Government Grants since no one can get these items without Latrines.
Speaking as the Chief Guest, the District Councilor represnting people with Disabilities, William Mwambu who represented the District Chairperson, thanked the Government for fighting against the Six Killer Diseases since in the past many children would die at infant stage.
He advised the locals to improve on thier sanitation in order to save money for diseases that affect people out of poor hygeine.