Stop chasing over men-National Chairperson Women's Council advises

Thursday, June 6, 2024

By Brian Atuhura
The National Chairperson Women Council, Hajjati Faridah Kibowa has advised women in Masindi district to engage in income generating projects to enable them look after thier children instead of following up husbands who are in extra marital relationships.
She also encouraged women in leadership positions to seek for knowledge on government programs so that they mobilise thier fellow women to benefit from them.
She was addressing women leaders yesterday during a one day workshop on roles of women in leadership that was held at the health board room.
While making a presentation on family,Ruth Muguta from the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development urged parents to bring up disciplined children who will not be a disgrace to society.
Speaking as she closed the workshop engagement,the District Woman Member of Parliament Dr.Florence Asiimwe rallied women leaders to make themselves visible in thier areas of jurisdiction.
She also called for aclose working relationship with her office inorder to develop many women projects.

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